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STOP THE TRAFFIK! London, UK... People should not be bought and sold.

If we are to succeed in disrupting human trafficking globally, then we need to do so through strong collaboration with organisations, both across borders and from within local communities.

Community Coordination

In partnership with local councils and law enforcement in the UK, STOP THE TRAFFIK’s community coordinators work with multi-agency teams to build resilience to human trafficking from within communities.

We believe that in order to stop human trafficking, the environment must become high risk for the trafficker.

This will happen when communities on every level will be more aware of trafficking and better equipped to make informed choices. Our community coordinators are supporting individuals as well local business, law enforcement and NGOs to be able to spot the signs of human trafficking – making them more aware of their risks and the influence they have. The system is only as strong as its weakest link and because of this, STOP THE TRAFFIK will continue to make all aspects of the community resilient to trafficking.

STOP THE TRAFFIK is a global movement of individuals, communities and organisations fighting to prevent human trafficking around the world. STOP THE TRAFFIK was set up in 2006 and has over 45, 000 members in over 100 countries around the world. Human trafficking and modern slavery are hidden crimes. Through intelligence-led prevention, STOP THE TRAFFIK are shining a light in dark places to uncover this illicit activity and disrupt it at its source. Our Centre for Intelligence-Led Prevention sits at the heart of STOP THE TRAFFIK. Developed in close partnership with technology leaders and intelligence specialists, the Centre collects and analyses data on human trafficking patterns from across the globe. Global campaigns informed by local partnerships feed this intelligence directly into vulnerable communities, enabling resilience building and community transformation. This builds systemic disruption of human trafficking networks.

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