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We are so pleased and privileged to be able to support (through our groups) many of the therapists t

We are so pleased and privileged to be able to support (through our groups) many of the therapists that facilitate the Hibuki project in Ukraine!

The Hibuki may seem like just a doll, but for Ukrainian children impacted by war, it is so much more. The Hibuki doll serves as a protector and friend who they can share their pain but also joy with. The Hibuki project offers each child a hibuki doll and access to a network of psychologist to work with. This is a proven method that allows children to begin working through the trauma they have experienced as they have witnessed war. War is something that no child should face, and it is up to us to make sure that these children can heal.

Consider making a donation to the fundraiser linked below. Become the reason a child smiles again.


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