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Stand With Ukraine

Dear friends and partners, Sorry, I have to write this in a rush as the rumors of the imminent Russian attack on Kyiv in the next 48 hours are spreading every hour faster. Irina and I, as well as a family of a colleague of mine from REALIS, are planning to drive to Poland later today. We are invited to stay with friends of ours we have been connected to since Soviet time. In the 1980s we together were involved in the underground ministry of evangelism and discipleship in the former Soviet block. How sad that 40 years later we again face the threat from Kremlin's ideology! Some families from our church have left Kyiv already. Many others cannot leave for various reasons. Some of them live in high-density apartment complexes and for them, the REALIS unfinished dorm located 20 km West of Kyiv might be a nice option. We have been working hard to prepare it for refugees and now it is almost ready. During the last few weeks, we received almost $11,000 from many of you for making the dorm more usable. Thank you so much for your generosity! Of course, we hope and pray that we don't need to use the dorm as a small refugee camp and that the war will not come to Kyiv. It is completely amazing that in the midst of all this mess we still have more people who sign up for our online programs! Only in the last week, we got five more students. Two of them are from Kyrgyzstan and one from Poland. It seems for the next few weeks my colleague and I have to teach from Wroclaw (Poland). Thank you so much for your prayers and notes of encouragement. In Christ's love, Sergiy

PS You still can help encouraging others to give donations for REALIS Dorm or/and for families of Ukrainian refugees in Poland: - in the US - please check this link: - in the UK - please write to:

Sergiy Tymchenko, PhD REALIS +380-67-501-7015


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