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Nathalie (FAS Founder/Director) was honoured to facilitate a workshop for children in crisis.

Nathalie (FAS Founder/Director) was honored to facilitate a workshop for children around recognizing inner strengths and building resilience through creativity -- we did this through mask-making and lots of play/imagination.

We hope to be back again soon in person, of course! However, as for now, please join us online for more workshops and trainings in support of Ukraine!

Thank you Olena and thank you to Library No. 115 for hosting us! We are so thankful for all that you do.

International support has a real embodiment in specific people who are ready to provide it in person. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet with First Aid of the Soul: Psychosocial Support for Ukraine Founder and Director of Nathalie Robelot (FAS)/Soul First Aid, an initiative that offers free psychosocial and emotional support services to those affected by Russia's war against Ukraine. Natalie recently visited Library #115, where they have been taking place various activities to support adults and children for more than six months. And this week Natalie invited children to an interesting workshop "Recognizing internal strengths and resources through creativity". Did such a name seem very serious to you for children? This is so true! We've been working very hard on creating personalized Superhero masks! And then presented their superpowers and tried to guess their friends' superpowers. Can you imagine? By the way, try to guess what languages we spoke.

Thank you very much to the administration of Бібліотека 115 для дітей м. Києва for your support and assistance in the event! And look forward to new creative meetings.


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