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Art and Om© Workshop at Yoga Sunset Beach

"I participated in the Art and Om workshop with Eden at @sunset_beach_yoga and we took a moment to really get into our bodies and to FEEL the energetic body. Afterwards we got down on the floor and, well, this is me drawing and coloring the energy of my body.⠀ I got a lot of sharp edges and bright colors that reminded me a lot of strength - but also pain.⠀ For the thirty minutes that passed i kept coloring mainly with two colors, but slowly the edges became more soft.⠀ That is what i am trying to do. Soften. Soften the body and be a little bit more nice to it. Stop demanding so much from it. Soften the mind and realise IT'S FINE if i don't practice every day or every week. It's fine if i ditch the primary series and do ecstatic dance instead. It's fine if i just sit and listen to music and let that be my practice.⠀ Because i feel like when we decide on something with the mindset "this is my practice", we start sometimes demanding too much from ourselves. Or at least i do. "This is my practice and i have to stick with it." Instead i want to explore more. See what other things make me feel as good as "my practice". Soften up the demands i have created. Let myself be an adventurer in yoga, like i was ten years ago when i wandered into my first yoga class ever.⠀

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